Green Park, Reading

Infrastructure Management

Infrastructure Management

We believe host infrastructure needs to be appropriately sized and efficiently maintained in order to gain the most value from services (i.e. different demands are placed on end user devices, network bandwidth, crypto, gateways, etc.). Additionally, some Customer core services and applications may be retained as internal services, that both need maintaining on Customer premises and integrating with cloud services to provide coherent and effective services for the end User.

Equipment Maintenance
DSSEC provide equipment/system preventive and corrective maintenance to ensure availability of all services is maintained in accordance with OLAs/SLAs. This involves planning and management of system downtimes/outages to meet stakeholder schedules and minimise or avoid system downtime and user interruption. Our expertise includes the production of all maintenance work instructions and technical documentation to support installation, servicing, repairs and upgrades. The establishment and implementation of planned preventive maintenance schedules includes anti-virus updates, operating system patches and hardware operation checks.

System Operation and Maintenance
Our team manage day-to-day system operations and maintenance for globally deployed mission critical systems, satisfying agreed SLAs and all stakeholders. We establish optimal operating and support regimes to maximise equipment and human resource usage. DSSEC manage and deploy subject matter experts at optimal times to provide the right amount of specialist support and/or advice. We manage ongoing system development, technical refresh/upgrades and enhancements through-life to maintain system functionality and natural growth and development.